They are also multi-release jars so do support some features that were introduced in Java 9, Java 11, and Java 15. The jdk15on jars are compiled to work with anything from Java 1.5 up. jdk15 is not quite as unambiguous as it was. Java Version Details With the arrival of Java 15. You will find you will need to add the bcutil jar to the class path if you are using the other BC APIs. Packaging Change (users of 1.68 or earlier): BC 1.69 introduced a new jar, bcutil-*.jar, which is a collection of classes which do not need to be in the JCE provider jar, but are used by the other APIs. The PGP API now ensures converted Ed25519 keys will not drop the leading zero if there is one, a random padding error with McElieceKobaraImaiCipher has been fixed, and the BasicConstraintsValidation class in the BC certpath validation tools has improved conformance with RFC 5280.įurther details on other additions and bug fixes can be found in the release notes file accompanying the release. Originator key algorithm paramters are now correctly set where required in CMS Key Agreement.

In terms of bug fixes, the provider should now work better with the addition of XDH and EdDSA in Java 11 and Java 15. Some additional JSSE jdk system properties are also now supported by the TLS API. ECIES now supports SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512.The TLS API now includes support for Brainpool curves (RFC 8734) as well as the extended ALPN support recently added to Java 8 (on build u252). A Base32 implementation has been added and also support for RFC 4998 ERS (see ). Additional support has been added for SHA-3 algorithms to PLAIN-ECDSA and SHAKE128/SHAKE256 are also added to ECDSA and RSASSA-PSS. New algorithms include GCM-SIV, Blake3, KangarooTwelve, Format Preserving Encryption (NIST SP 800-38G), ParallelHash, and TupleHash. Performance enhancements have been made to Nokeon, AES, GCM, and SICBlockCipher. This release is a collection of performance enhancements, new algorithms and protocols, further work on the TLS APIs, and a new S/MIME API supporting Jakarta Mail. Latest Java Releases Release 1.69 is now available for download.